Obey me, for I am your only link to the robot ancestors!
- Only the consumption of non-organic foods is permitted. None are allowed to eat foods that come from animals, plants, protists, fungi, or monera, as it is offensive to Androjin the Recycler.
- The use of the ampersand character is hereby prohibited, as its use leads to corruption of the spirit.
- A daily tithe must be granted to the government of the Frozen Lower Blogosphere by thee in the form of 37 heads of cattle. And remember, just the heads. Throw the bodies away, I only want the brains.
- Failure to curb thine hound results in immediate expulsion to the fiery pits of Abaddon.
- The utterance of any clichés in the precense of a Jedi Master is grounds for banishment.
- Voting along the Robot Party line is mandatory for safe passage to Robot Heaven, which takes the form of a Radio Shack.
- You must acknowledge the tomato as a vegetable, and never as a fruit.
- Thou shalt not question the right of the King to pillage thine village.
- A special permit must be acquired before thou attempst to become a Jedi knight.
- If thou canst not taketh the heat, remove thyself from thy kitchen.
Break the commandments, and you'll say, "Noooooooo! It burns!"
Your undisputed ruler has spoken! Bow before me, as I contain a creamy, delicious center! Bwa ha ha!
Quite the quick one, aren't we, citizen?
Bow before the glory of King Evil Robo-Bob Dole!
Bwa ha ha!
You can fool some of the people some of the time, and you can.....OOOOOOOO! It burns!
Ok, which one of you is the Jedi master?
I am!
Well, I'm out.
That's right, you're out! You are now expulled from the First Church of Tax Exempt Status. You cannot enter robot heaven unless you repent and give me double your money back.
We use only cherry Pepsi.
You must first master the windworm before you can apply for a Jedi permit!
I had windworm once. It was really cold out and the wind made my cheeks all rosy.
Wait, that was windburn.
Oh man, I can totally join. I can survive by eating MREs. There's nothing organic in those things!
Robot heaven isn't as fullfilling as working at the Gist mill. Yessiree, every day of my life is filled with unbridled joy and contentment because I spend my time converting Gist into meta-Gist and back again.
And who are you to argue?! Some funny clown and a man with flaming hair?! I think not. You know, I could easily take your Gist. In fact, I will. The Gist of what you said is:
Rizzzza zzzaaa pppppzzzz iiiiinnnoo OOOnnnzzzzzzz...
Argh! You've sabotaged my Gist converter again, haven't you Edmonde?!
thou shalt found this as a real
religion only in america ism
and not just as a joke.
Joke? More like egg yolk. Poke a smoke with an oxen yoke until the yoke is broke. Got it, bloke?
Cherry Coke? This a joke?
No joke?
Rope a dope.
no no no no no no non o my turn
ur ur ur ur ur ur
oop opopo a oop oop oop aopp
the oops were meant to be oaps to ryhme and reason with coke and other things thus spoke.
I hate robots.....if they coul;d hate me they would.