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Ten thousand years of Roboshrub.

Fangs for the memories.

In today’s state, Roboshrub Incorporated is an entity entirely devoted
to the execution of what normal people would refer to as “bad ideas.”

It was the creator’s original idea that all concepts, whether
useful or not, contribute to the global subconscious level of progress
for the human race. Therefore, we contend that no idea is an unfit
idea, and vow to act on each and every one of them.

Roboshrub Inc.
Public Communications Department

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For your insolence, I condemn you to...

Suffer the Fate of a Thousand Bees!
(Before they go extinct)

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I've Got It!

Well, not quite yet. It's going to take a few days, I can tell you, but the public must be told! You are all in extremely dangerous danger!

What I've just found out is shocking to say the least.


No, It's even more shocking than that! I can't tell you now. You'll all have to wait.

What the...?! No! I told you, you have to wait! I don't want to alarm anyone until I can solve this grave social crisis. Try again Monday or Tuesday night.

Until then, eat fruit and don't use your sink. And for the love of God, don't flush! You have been warned.

Roboshrub Inc.
Public Relations Fiasco Department

Processing 8×100 Robo-Comments:

Blogger High Power Rocketry gesticulated...


8/19/2007 8:24 AM  
Blogger jin gesticulated...

If you say so.

Uh, Gyro?
Can I use your toilet.

8/19/2007 9:55 AM  
Blogger Gyrobo gesticulated...

Nobody can use any toilet, people!

What part of "Hindenburg" don't you understand?!

8/19/2007 10:04 AM  
Blogger Bathroom Hippo gesticulated...

That's disgusting.

8/20/2007 3:08 PM  
Blogger High Power Rocketry gesticulated...

Hey man there is a caption contest on R2K please feel free to try one out.

8/21/2007 9:13 PM  
Blogger Gyrobo gesticulated...

Okay... definitely tomorrow. Roboshrub and I are in the middle of a role playing thing, and I can't be two people anymore. I'm too old.

8/21/2007 11:40 PM  
Blogger A Army Of (Cl)One gesticulated...

Can I use the self contained "potty" in my armour?

And as for Senator Clinton, it is nice to see she is showing her Telaxian roots.

8/23/2007 5:13 PM  
Blogger Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator gesticulated...

Oh man, I just used a toilet. Am I going to be OK?

8/24/2007 4:45 PM