What I've just found out is shocking to say the least.
No, It's even more shocking than that! I can't tell you now. You'll all have to wait.
Until then, eat fruit and don't use your sink. And for the love of God, don't flush! You have been warned.
Roboshrub Inc.
Public Relations Fiasco Department
If you say so.
Uh, Gyro?
Can I use your toilet.
Nobody can use any toilet, people!
What part of "Hindenburg" don't you understand?!
That's disgusting.
Hey man there is a caption contest on R2K please feel free to try one out.
Okay... definitely tomorrow. Roboshrub and I are in the middle of a role playing thing, and I can't be two people anymore. I'm too old.
Can I use the self contained "potty" in my armour?
And as for Senator Clinton, it is nice to see she is showing her Telaxian roots.
Oh man, I just used a toilet. Am I going to be OK?