Ten thousand years of Roboshrub.
Fangs for the memories.
In today’s state, Roboshrub Incorporated is an entity entirely devoted
to the execution of what normal people would refer to as “bad ideas.”
It was the creator’s original idea that all concepts, whether
useful or not, contribute to the global subconscious level of progress
for the human race. Therefore, we contend that no idea is an unfit
idea, and vow to act on each and every one of them.
Roboshrub Inc.
Public Communications Department
Customization Artifact
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For your insolence, I condemn you to...
Suffer the Fate of a Thousand Bees!
(Before they go extinct)
Running with chainsaws since 2005.
The greatest story ever hula'd?
The greatest story ever written on hunks of tree back with aeresol cheese?
The greatest story ever what? Tell me, the waiting's killion' me over here already.
Happy Blogiversary! And many happy returns.
-ening hosted at the local bar, kill and grill 'Robot Ninja Joes', but unfortunately there were no sur-
Happy Blogiversary, chums.
-prise celebrity guests, so the event has been postponed until the f-
Happy Blogiversary!
The greatest robot story ever...starring, "Roboshrub"!
That's not even one year in Robo-years.
-latulence of modern society known as Paris can extricate her h-