Also, I recently updated €ncryptør to fix a few bugs and add a button. Does anybody have a suggestion for new features I can add? Remember the static void main!
Reason For The Season
Also, I recently updated €ncryptør to fix a few bugs and add a button. Does anybody have a suggestion for new features I can add? Remember the static void main!
Merry Yuletidings to you and yours G-dawg!
Lets make 007 the year of the double ended cotton swab on a stick.
Rocket power! That's a feature you can add!
Merry Christmas to you and Roboshrub, and Bob...oh and the new guy!
Merry Something to you, Robo. I missed these pictures, I guess I'm reading the wrong newspapers.
Have a very Robotic Christmas and Rustless New Year.
Hello world! Add that!
Hope you have a Hapy Christmas, Gyrobo
or even a happy one
oh wait already said that..
I thought Robots weren't sposed to have stat counters!
i want some aluminum for christmas.
Michael: Same to you, Captain.
Alex: "Hello World" killed my dog.
Kim: I haven't been happy since five minutes ago, when I saw a funny YouTube video. Boy, was that funny. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Hippo: There are many things about robot culture that would drive one to wrong conclusions. For instance, President Lincoln was really assassinated for his role in toaster repression.
Mika: Have you been incorrigible this year? Santa only gives aluminum to incorrigible children.
Bill O'reilly says you're afraid to say Christmas!
Format C:
Bill O'Reilly needs to stop going through my mail.
There's some interesting stuff in your mail...
Now just what is this?!?
I have a prescription for that.
"Reasons greetings" to you too!
Encryptor looks pretty much the same to me & works fine.
Don't get all bloggere & start messing with it!
Heh...who knew this post would predict Ford's death.
Nice goin' ya time traveling robot.
'Twas I who foretold of the old man's death.
I saw it in a vision of the future, right before the robot uprising.