Lately, my free time has been spent between two time-consuming activities. The first is hiking along the rail trail which is a hop, skip and jump from my house:
Yeah, I’m totally into fitness now. I just did a push up yesterday.
My other activity is much more taxing, mentally. What I meant is, I’ve got the mental mentality.
Before the new semester started a month ago, I realized that every single course schedule I’ve seen since high school has been illegible and confusing. Therefore, I can only assume that every other person has the same problem. So lo! I am currently assembling what is sure to be the greatest thing I’ve made since January:
I wanted to try a few new coding conventions that I’ve learned in the past year; specifically, treating Javascript as a classical language. For the last three years or so, my web apps have been using a continually-evolving string-based filing system. It was becoming hard to understand and maintain between programs, so I rewrote it from scratch.
The new system completely separates content from the script, so I can finally localize my web apps! More than one language is finally possible! That’s really the only thing I’m working on now, adding more languages. And I’m really trying to add Internet Explorer support.
Also, one final note: after a year of waiting, the Webkit team has caught up to my grand vision and Project Velt now works partially with Webkit nightlies. I should be able to support Safari 4 fully.