The Comic Scans Sans Inky Hands (CSSIH) project is a one-man intergalactic effort to explore the pages of 1970s comic books without getting comic book ink on one’s hands. Once thought impossible, this inkless phenomenon is now an everyday occurrence thanks to fantastic new material marvels like Aluminum.
In today’s installment, Frank Drake, Rachael Van Helsing and their stereotypically silent strongman Taj try to solve a murder most foul. Is Dracula back to his old tricks, or is the real culprit lurking behind the moorland trees? Tune in to find out!
The Moorlands Monster!
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- Page 20
- “I need 250 skinny guys!”
- “Surveying Pays Big”
- Marvel Bullpen Bulletins
- Never Finished High School?
- The Adventures of GORGI Boy
- The Terrific Ten (1)
- The Terrific Ten (2)
- “Israel Israel”
- Tomes to the Tomb!
- “Who Else Wants a He-Man Body?”
- “The Heaviest Human on Record Weighed 1,069 Lbs. And Was Buried in a Piano Case!”
- “GRIT Will Help You Get Started in Your Own Profitable Business”
- “‘Miraculous’ Says Lady, 70”
- “These 3 Big Drafting Kits Given to You!”
- Here They Come
Labels: CSSIH